HOKA HOKA BENTO is a very famous Japanese fast food restaurant in Indonesia. Many Indonesian prefer eating Japanese food on fast food restaurant, Hoka-Hoka Bento is one of the Briyankom's important client. Every time before they launched their new menu or product, they trusted their product to PT. Bryankom for the visual communication for the promotion, which was I worked the most, from product knowledge brief meeting, conceptual thinking until the visual execution.
The visual aspect of the concept should be decided first, and it was used from the previous design and change it into new artwork for production. The choice of what I'm going to use on colors or fonts or even the photograph in advertising to design the promotion items such as posters, standing poster, a magazine published for advertising, outdoor advertising (Billboard), and sometimes I was in charge of TV commercials too, or whether where I'm going to put the logo is based on the previous design or base concept. The exclusive photography addition to making photographs is important to determine the basic of the visual idea. The designing development process is to develop the previous ideas from the concept and the rough design to final design. And then finally ready for production and publishing.
The visual aspect of the concept should be decided first, and it was used from the previous design and change it into new artwork for production. The choice of what I'm going to use on colors or fonts or even the photograph in advertising to design the promotion items such as posters, standing poster, a magazine published for advertising, outdoor advertising (Billboard), and sometimes I was in charge of TV commercials too, or whether where I'm going to put the logo is based on the previous design or base concept. The exclusive photography addition to making photographs is important to determine the basic of the visual idea. The designing development process is to develop the previous ideas from the concept and the rough design to final design. And then finally ready for production and publishing.
1 件のコメント:
y-maeda sama, thanks for your comment, actually i wrote this blog not just only discus about gourmet or food, my blog is talk about advertisement nihonn no koukoku and my recently work, but anyway, I'll link your site anyway.