私が担当したアーティストは、マドンナ、ダニエル ポーター、リンキンパークなどで、他にコンピレーションアルバム、携帯電話のバックトーンも担当。依頼されるものは、通常宣伝用に使用される店内展示用ポスター、のぼり、看板、雑誌、新聞の掲載用広告がある。
Warner Music Indonesia is one of the represent of Warner Music International who establish in music recording company. WMI is one of the PT. Briyankom's client. therefore, for the promotion of the new artist or new album promotion event like pers conference is handled to the advertisement agency where I used to work there, which is PT. Bryankom.
I used to work on artist like: Madonna, Daniel Powter, Enya, Linkin Park and compilation album or RBT(Ring Back Tone): is Ring tone Download service that use on Hand phone or the to replace the ring on backtone. the item that usually used for the album promotion was the item that recently asked to make, like the one that often placed on the music store or event like press conference. The item is Poster, Hanging banner, standing banner, Standing Poster, and newspaper and magazine ad. The promotion of the album campaign process was I usually received the artwork of the album jacket and then modified it to became the proper artwork for the promotion that use in Indonesia.
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